First of all, what is this site

This site will briefly introduce me to you in 1 minute, please do not touch your mouse or scroll the site, I wish you a pleasant watch.

Don't worry, you'll have a chance to come back at the end of the show.

Who am I?

I am a 19-year-old software developer who has been interested in software for 7 years and continues to do so with ambition and pleasure.

What technologies have I used and am using

I have worked and continue to work with many technologies.

# Technologies Which language Time
1 Web HTML-CSS-JS (Node.js)-Python (Flask)-MongoDb-PostgreSQL-MSSQL 2 year
2 Mobile Flutter-Python 1 year
3 Ai Python (Tenserflow,Yolo) 3 year
4 Embeeded Systems Assembly(x86,x64,MASM,NASM) 1 year
5 IOT C-Python 5 year
6 Desktop Application C# (Winform)- Python(Tkinter) 6 month

My Experiences

Software Developer

Artificial intelligence and algorithm development on microprocessors such as H7/7+, arduino, esp32.

Software Developer

Software and machine development in the field of artificial intelligence and iot.

Co-Founder/Software developr

Software development in the field of educational technologies

First of all, what is this site

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